Monday, March 23, 2009


So, what do I do with a vivacious, simply adorable 2 and a half year-old, whom shall remain nameless, lives, sleeps and breathes Disneyland?

I know, I know, I mentioned this a time or two on this blog and to many of you dear friends and family members about this latest dilema. I find myself coming up with creative & not so creative, (more like little fibs) of why we can't go to Disneyland everyday, every minute, like she desires!

For example, when the common occurance of her asking to go to "Dineyahnd" right as I am placing her in the crib to go night-nite... I say," Disneyland is sleeping right now. It's dark outside." and of course the automatic response to my answer is "why". The favorite word of every toddler!

Today, after learning my lesson about not even bringing up the topic until literally being in the car, almost ready to enter the parking area, she saw me packing the little blue cooler with some snacks, right after dropping the kids off to school. She immediately squealed with delight... knowing what I was preparing for... "I Dineyahnd? ". . . followed by another squeal and question "I Dineyahnd?"

"Yes, Averie!! We're going to go to Diseyland!!! Today!" Now, that was the greatest moment I have had in a long time to be allowed to witness the pure joy on that adorable little face! How can I not take her!!!

You can catch the two of us every Tuesday, at our favorite place...
Yes, you know where it is...

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