Sunday, October 5, 2008

Meet my "Mr. Fix-It" Guy

You know how every once in a while you are especially grateful for marrying the man you married? (This actually happens more than every once and a while...) Well, let me tell you just how appreciative I am for my honey who is a master at the "Honey-do" lists. It has been amazing to watch him fix the myriads of appliances and items around the house that have decided to call it quits these past couple of months. Something about living in our house for 11 and a half years and the word got out that it was time for the microwave, dryer AND washing machine, (within 4 weeks of each other... and we all know we can't live without these items for a second) garbage disposal, three front yard sprinklers, need I go on, to up and quit! You name it, he can fix it. I am SO happy I married such a Handy Man! Thank You, Honey! I love you!

1 comment:

LaLa said...

You've got a great fix-it guy and so do I! I think we should take them on a cruise to reward them for their greatness!!