Friday, September 12, 2008

Natalie's Birthday Party

Outside the Restaurant "Island's" hamming it up!
Nestled in at our table ... no boys were allowed!
Natalie feeling a bit nervous about getting her ears pierced, definitely having second thoughts! But she has waited "forever" to turn 8 and finally get her ears pierced!
"Oh boy, what have I got myself into????"
HOORAY! She did it! Look at those tiny, sparkling gems!

Natalie has been planning her 8th b-day party since January it seems, but couldn't quite narrow it down to the BEST party idea until the week before her birthday. I was slightly in a panic, but at last, she came up with a "go to dinner/get her ears pierced/slumber party/donuts for breakfast" idea. I was elated when she finalized her plans. It was a ton of squeals, giggles and fun as you can see for yourselves!

1 comment:

whitty-acres said...

I'm waiting for new posts! What's the matter, you have no spare time on your hands? Hahaha!